Swansea City of Sanctuary Logo

Swansea City of Sanctuary

Swansea | Human Rights


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Who we are
Swansea City of Sanctuary strives to build a culture of hospitality and welcome, especially for those seeking sanctuary from war and persecution. We are a voluntary, grassroots group, one of a network of over 100 City of Sanctuary groups across the UK. We aim to raise awareness and encourage individuals and organisations to find ways to contribute to making our city a place of welcome and support for all who seek sanctuary. We challenge the negative media narratives, spread awareness about the systems in place, and celebrate those who seek sanctuary in Swansea.

In 2010, we became the first recognised City of Sanctuary in Wales and the second in the UK. We fully support the Senedd’s plan for Wales to become the first Nation of Sanctuary.

What we do
Through our network of contacts, including asylum seekers, refugees, service providers, and local organisations, we play a vital role in promoting inclusivity. We raise awareness through exhibitions, stalls, visits, as well as our website and social media. We support organisations in achieving City of Sanctuary awards, recognising local Schools of Sanctuary, and local institutions such as the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery and the National Waterfront Museum.

We have close contacts with organisations providing direct services to asylum seekers such as drop-ins, clothes banks, or English classes. We actively welcome asylum seekers and refugees to participate in our committee, groups and activities as equal partners. Their lived experience is of huge value in establishing our priorities. We help those who wish to make their voices heard in the wider community, both locally and further afield, and to be our representatives on various bodies. We help with travel, data and device  costs to ensure there are no financial obstacles preventing asylum seekers from joining in our work.

All our local events, whether informative, celebratory or social are free to all asylum seekers, regardless of whether they volunteer with us or not. We also offer to reimburse their bus fares.

Why we need your help
Funding from our 2020 10th Anniversary appeal has been crucial. However, ongoing support is necessary. We require funds for maintaining and updating our exhibition, producing materials, and covering essential expenses, as well as to continue paid support for administration and communications. The sums involved are not huge, but can be challenging for a small group like us to raise. We are grateful for all contributions from anyone who, together with us, believes that what we do is valuable.

Please consider a regular donation through this page, or doing your own Fundraising activity with a page of your own (see "Fundraisers" above). If you'd like to help us achieve our target for the year, please  use our LocalGiving Appeal page.

“Swansea City of Sanctuary feels like my next stop where I am going to or where I need to get off. It is like a place which, somehow, does not know me but waits for me and is ready to welcome me with many arms I do not know but which are ready to embrace me. Swansea City of Sanctuary is my final destination in my journey as a refugee or asylum seeker.” - Jose Cifuentes, Management Committee Member and long-term volunteer.

Contact: swansea@cityofsanctuary.org

Our details

c/o Swansea Council for Voluntary Service, 7 Walter Rd, Swansea, Swansea SA1 5NF

£946.25 raised from 2 pages

Community Cohesion Project

£217.5 raised since May 2024

Marilyn & Alan's Golden Wedding Fundraiser

£728.75 raised since July 2023