Our goal is to combat human trafficking in all its forms and make the UK a very difficult place for traffickers to operate. For this purpose, we raise awareness of human trafficking, what it looks like in the UK and what can be done by ordinary people to stamp it out. Our vision is that the more people are able to recognise the signs of trafficking and act upon them, the more victims can be identified and referred to the appropriate support services.
Why the community needs usPublic awareness is a key factor in resisting human trafficking. Greater awareness in local communities creates: 1) Intelligence for law enforcement agencies with the outcome of increased victim identification; 2) A strong grassroots pressure for better police and practice; 3) Reduced demand for services and commodities provided by exploited trafficked victims.Our campaigns are supported by exhibitors from a wide range of organisations & are tailored to meet the needs of particular audiences.
Our impact on the communitySince our first film campaign in Bristol in 2008, Unchosen has inspired other volunteers to run their own Unchosen campaign. 86% of questionnaire respondents who attended the completed 2012 campaigns said they had a better understanding of trafficking after attending the event, and a number stated that they were inspired to go and take further community action. Unchosen has partnered over 43 different organisations, in diverse communities with attendance of over 6,000 since 2008.