

London | Human Rights


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Ourmala helps refugees and asylum-seekers rebuild their lives. Most are recovering from atrocities such as torture, sexual violence in conflict and human trafficking, registered with the UK Home Office. We give them a safe space to breathe and stability through yoga. We connect them with critical services. We help them fulfill their potential.

Why the community needs us

Ourmala currently offers refugee and asylum-seeking women and young people living in London a safe space to breathe and help rebuilding their lives. We intend to expand to deliver classes for refugee and asylum-seeking men. We provide these services, free at point of use: Therapeutic yoga classes based on Ashtanga Yoga and Mindfulness - Nutritional hot healthy lunch - English classes - Access to critical services to meet primary needs, education, training and volunteering opportunities...

Our impact on the community

Ourmala's helped over 200 women. The women report they feel more confident, physical and mental pain reduces, they can sleep better… Here are what a few have said: "After yoga, my mind, my body feel better... I feel as free as a bird, my pain goes..." "In yoga I found love, and happiness... Yoga is fantastic, it's light in the dark life, it's friendly... The difference is peace inside." "Yoga helps me fight the world, in a good way"

£2.39k raised from 6 pages

Helen's Paris Marathon

£480 raised since December 2015

In memory of Manny

£170 raised since June 2015

Yoga class for Ourmala - Rufugee Week

£25 raised since May 2015

Warriors for Women

£1.64k raised since April 2015

108 Sun Salutes On The Heath for Refugee Women

£0 raised since April 2015

Besford Dinmont Bake-off

£72.5 raised since June 2013