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Street Teams

Walsall | Health & Wellbeing


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Street Teams works with children and young people at risk of, or affected by, sexual exploitation, grooming and trafficking. We aim to break the cycle of abuse, by helping the young person to fully understand their situation and realise that they are able to make choices. We run various programmes, dependent on the young person's level of vulnerability and emotional damage. We work with boys as well as girls, some as young as 10 years old and from all backgrounds.

Why the community needs us

Without our intervention, many innocent children and young people would become trapped in a dangerous lifestyle, dependent on drugs, alcohol and often theft to support addictions. Some of them may even move into the sex industry themselves, enticing younger ones into similar ways. Unless specialist intervention is provided, these children and young people are left behind, believing they have no future other than that of a victim.

Our impact on the community

* Young people choosing to leave exploitative relationships* young people choosing healthy lifestyle choices* young people attending medical appointments* aspirations raised to re-engage with education* self-esteem and confidence raised

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Our details

Bradford Street Centre, 51 Bradford Street, Walsall WS1 3QD

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