Leeds | Community Support & Development
Leeds | Community Support & Development
The TNCP is a group of schools and partners who work together for the benefit of the community as a whole. The TNCP is aiming to develop a community which ensures that young people and their families are supported to improve life chances. We aim to ensure that children and families are supported to raise expectations and achievement for all. Our main aim is to ensure that the most vulnerable groups can access the same opportunities as everyone else.
Why the community needs usThe TNCP provides support to children, young people and families in the Osmondthorpe, Halton Moor, Halton, Whitkirk and Temple Newsam neighbourhoods. A particular focus is to provide 1:1 targeted support and a varied menu of positive activities in the school holidays for young people to engage in.
Our impact on the communityOur priorities are set in line with Leeds Children's Service's aims and objectives and in consultation local partners. The TNCP aims to support families to ensure they are safe from harm, do well in learning and have the skills for life, choose healthy lifestyles, have fun growing up and are active citizens who feel they have voice and influence. Specific priorities include Looked After Children, ASB, Attendance at school and supporting vulnerable children, young people and families.
C/o Temple Learning Academy, Neville Road, Leeds LS15 0NW