The Unsignedhour on Calon FM (GWR Attempt)

0% Raised

The unsignedhour radio show on Calon FM will be taking part in a 24 hor broadcast, where they will be attempting to set a Guinness world record "The most live musical performances on a 24 hour radio broadcast) during this time we will be also trying to raise money for the Yourspace charity, collecting online, on-campus and asking all acts to give what they can.

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Online donations: £0.00
Match funding: £0.00
Raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid: £0.00
Total raised: £0.00
Matthew is fundraising for Your Space

Your Space - Improving the quality of life for young people with autism and their families
Find out more about the charity

Event details

About The unsignedhour GWR Attmept

Local Wrexham based radio show the unsignedhour will be having a 24-hour long radio show, attempting to set a Guinness world record "the most live musical performances on a 24-hour radio broadcast"


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