
Playground Equipment

£14.53k of £18k





Days left

Mrs Colclough, Headteacher, says
"Our trim trail is old and tired and needs replacing so we can ensure all our children have access to equipment which will enable participation in physical activity.   We want our children to be fit and healthy, but we also want them to have fun and socialise, which is why we are keen to improve our outdoor play equipment."
We have already raised a significant sum of money towards this project, but we are grateful for any additional support you can offer.  We are installing in May 2023 and have a tight time frame for pulling in the extra funds.  
Do share far and wide with friends, family and local businesses
Any donation will qualify you for an invite to the Grand Opening and larger donations will be permanently marked.      


Friends of Scott-Broadwood Infant School


Friends of Scott-Broadwood Infant School Logo

What your gift could provide


invitation to the Grand Opening


invitation to the Grand Opening


invitation to the Grand Opening

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