
Roach Road Street Trees

£1.65k of £1.45k





Team Fundraisers

Some of the residents became aware of NESST (Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation) a local community group which amongst other things is supporting local communities to access funding to plant new street trees.

Last year The Roach Road residents came  together to  consider planting a few trees to attract bees and birds as well as to make our environment more attractive and we managed to raise enough money to fund 7 street trees.  Already our street is looking a lot greener and we are excited to see what they look like with the spring flowers:)

We have listened to as many different opinions as possible and it seems that most people are in favour of small/medium trees and in locations where there is no risk of loss of light/loss of view.  We hope to plant another 4 trees between October 2024 and March 2025.

Each tree costs a total of £725 which covers the cost of the tree, digging a tree pit, maintenance for 100 years by the Council contractor.  We need to raise 50% of this cost and the other half will be funded by NESST.  If we can raise £1450 we can plant 4 trees. 

If you can donate something towards this appeal you will help us make Roach Road a greener street not just for the current residents but hopefully for future generations. 

If you want further information about this appeal please contact Jo Holliday (jo.holliday@me.com

Fact:  Did you know that a Hawthorn tree can live up to 400 years?  


Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation


Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation Logo

What your gift could provide


will go towards a new street tree


will go towards a new street tree


will go towards a new street tree

£2.60k raised from 2 pages

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