
Help us reach our target for 2023/24!

£2.65k of £1.75k





Team Fundraisers

We at Swansea City of Sanctuary want to continue our work to raise awareness and encourage local individuals and organisations to consider the ways in which they can contribute to making our city a place of welcome and support for all who seek sanctuary. In 2019 our Senedd published its Nation of Sanctuary plan for Wales as a whole, and we also want to continue helping make that vision a reality.

We are proud that we have been able to successfully undertake a variety of constructive, creative and progressive activities in Swansea due to the funding we received for our 10th Anniversary Appeal. We have:

  • Involved more sanctuary seekers in our committee and work, learning from their lived experience so as to define our priorities.
  • Celebrated 10 Schools of Sanctuary.
  • Accredited 12 organisations with Sanctuary Awards
  • Received pledges of support from over 100 organisations.
  • Facilitated regular coordination meetings of people from the public and voluntary sectors involved in supporting asylum seekers and refugees in Swansea.
  • Expanded our social media presence.The funds raised also allowed us to have 1-1.5 days worth of paid support per week to help with administration and communications. As a very small group of volunteers, we could not have achieved so much without this crucial support.In order to continue our work, we are looking for donations to help us achieve our goals for the upcoming year, including:
  • Continue administrative support (coordination, communications, data management, event organisation, social media).
  • Maximise the tour of our Home Away from Home Exhibition
  • Create more associated information materials (leaflets, information)
  • Cover bus fares
  • Co-produce future plans with asylum seekers and refugees and partner organisations
  • Facilitate and support the Sanctuary Awards process
  • Organise further network events and activities
  • Enable the acclaimed “Sanctuary in Politics” course (for asylum seekers to learn how to become active in local and Welsh public life) to be presented in Swansea
  • Volunteer coordination
  • Travel arrangements for our volunteers to attend events elsewhere
  • Cover meeting room costs
We want to continue our work to ensure Swansea is a city that welcomes all, proudly offers sanctuary to those fleeing violence or persecution, supports and includes asylum seekers and refugees, and celebrates their contributions to the community.

Please consider donating to our appeal to support our initiatives.

If you are interested in making regular donations, please see our main fundraising page.     


Swansea City of Sanctuary

Swansea | Human Rights

Swansea City of Sanctuary Logo

What your gift could provide


Pays for a daily bus ticket allowing volunteers to access various events.


Pays for a weekly bus ticket enabling an individual to access services.


Pays for a workshop, up-skilling people and spreading awareness on seeking sanctuary.

£217.5 raised from 1 page

Community Cohesion Project

£217.5 raised since May 2024