
Yorkshire Three Peaks

£5.1k of £10k





Team Fundraisers

On Saturday 18th May 2024, a team of fundraisers will be climbing the Yorkshire Three Peaks to raise money for Unmasked Mental Health.

What is the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge, you ask? It's an incredible test of endurance and determination as we conquer the three highest peaks in Yorkshire in just one day - Pen-y-ghent, Whernside, and Ingleborough. That's a whopping 24 miles and around 5,200 feet of ascent, all in the stunning Yorkshire Dales!

But we're not just doing this for the adventure – we're doing it to make a difference!

Every step we take on this challenge will help us raise vital funds to support our incredible cause. Together, we can make a real impact in the lives of those who need it most.

Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Support Us: Donate to our fundraising page here on Local Giving and help us reach our goal.
  2. Join the Team: Want to join our adventure and take on the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge with us? Registration is just £10 per person. Here's the link to register your place: Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge – Saturday 18th May 2024 – Unmasked Mental Health
  3. Set up your own Local Giving Page to raise funds for Unmasked. Don't worry, we'll show you how to do it if you don't know.
  4. Share the Love: Spread the word! Share our social media posts with your friends, family, and colleagues. Every share counts!We're excited to embark on this adventure, and we'd love to have you by our side - either as a fellow hiker or as a supporter. Let's make May 18th, 2024, a day to remember as we raise funds and awareness for an incredible cause. Stay tuned for updates, training adventures, and more as we prepare for this incredible challenge! Together, we can make a difference.       


Unmasked Mental Health

Halifax | Health & Wellbeing

Unmasked Mental Health Logo

Unmasking the stigma of mental health

What your gift could provide


This would cover the cost of a counselling session for someone in need with one of our Counsellors.


Can support the costs of training and DBS costs for our volunteer team members.


Could support the monthly running costs of one of our hubs

£0 raised from 2 pages

Peer To Peer Hub Support

£0 raised since March 2023

Low Cost, Instant Access Counselling Services

£0 raised since March 2023