The BruBowl is an exciting new skatepark proposed for Bruton, Somerset. The multi-wheeled sports facility will accommodate skateboards, bikes, scooters, blades and skates.
Designed and built by skatepark specialists as an upgrade of the current Jubilee Park ramp. It will feature an interconnected street area, ramps, rails and a bowl section. An inclusive destination, celebrating all ages, styles and abilities.
Bruton town council will contribute £30,000 to the project. We had expected to raise up to an additional £30,000 from grants from the former district council. However following the amalgamation of the district and county councils it appears extremely unlikely that any grants will be made, so we now need to raise an additional £30,000 from community donations.
Good Company Bruton CIC, is a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales, number 13269461, at the Dovecote Building, 26 High Street, Bruton, Somerset BA10 0AA.
Good Company Bruton CIC
Bruton | Community Support & Development
Bruton | Community Support & Development
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The BruBowl
Good Company Bruton CIC
Bruton | Community Support & Development
Bruton | Community Support & Development
What your gift could provide
Just help the cause, or
help the cause twice as much
or even three times (or more, it's entirely up to you).
Days left
All money raised goes to the BruBowl.
The BruBowl is an exciting new skatepark proposed for Bruton, Somerset. The multi-wheeled sports facility will accommodate skateboards, bikes, scooters, blades and skates.
Designed and built by skatepark specialists as an upgrade of the current Jubilee Park ramp. It will feature an interconnected street area, ramps, rails and a bowl section. An inclusive destination, celebrating all ages, styles and abilities.
Bruton town council will contribute £30,000 to the project. We had expected to raise up to an additional £30,000 from grants from the former district council. However following the amalgamation of the district and county councils it appears extremely unlikely that any grants will be made, so we now need to raise an additional £30,000 from community donations.
Good Company Bruton CIC, is a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales, number 13269461, at the Dovecote Building, 26 High Street, Bruton, Somerset BA10 0AA.