
Summer Fete

£2.32k of £2.2k





Team Fundraisers

What is it? A covid-secure Summer fete for the children at Claremont Primary School; including many of the usual stalls such as sweet and teddy tombolas, arts and crafts station, sports and games station, bric a brac and traditional fete games such as hook a duck.

When is it? Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th July (Weds 14th back up), during the school day.

How will it work? Every year group will get an allocated time slot to enjoy the activities & each child given a participation card with 15 empty balloons printed on it. Each child can enjoy up to 15 stalls and will receive a stamp at each stall. Children do not need to take any cash to school to participate. They should just come to school as normal & teachers will take them to the fete when it's their class's turn. No child will be excluded from joining in the fun.       

Ok so no cash, but can I donate? We are hosting this for the enjoyment of the children, to give them some semi-normal fun after all the trials of this year. They know it's happening and are very excited so if you wish to, please support the PTA's hardwork by making a donation (suggested amount £5 per child) to the charity here (plus gift aid if you're eligible). All/any donations are always gratefully received & will go towards funding the new outdoor classroom.   


Claremont School PTA

Tunbridge Wells | Education & Training

Claremont School PTA Logo

What your gift could provide


valuable contribution to the school's new outdoor classroom


valuable contribution to the school's new outdoor classroom


valuable contribution to the school's new outdoor classroom

£1.37k raised from 1 page


£1.37k raised since June 2023