
Save the Broomhall Homework Club!

£13.33k of £12.5k





Team Fundraisers

The Broomhall Homework Club needs your urgent help.
Started more than 30 years ago, the club supports around 50 students at any one time. Most are from ethnic minority communities from our local area.  The students we work with range from 8-18 years, getting help with reading and spelling, through to GCSE revision and A-level course work.

Now, as all young people are facing such challenging times due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the club's funding has suffered a major blow, and we are facing a fight to survive.

Why is the club so important?
The club works with young people from one of the most deprived parts of Sheffield, but crucially these young people have also demonstrated enormous potential when given the right support. Many of the students are bi, or even trilingual, reflecting the rich diversity in their backgrounds. Developing their language skills and ensuring they achieve good qualifications at school are the most important ways to improve their chances of accessing further education opportunities or employment.

Some success stories...
M writes:
 'there are many people like me in Broomhall who suffer from material deprivation, whether that's access to books or a space to study. The Homework Club provided that for many of us. Coming from a non-English-speaking, single parent household, The Homework Club gave me the privilege many other students took for granted; a parent to read my homework or check it for me. I am now a Politics graduate from University of Leicester whose roots began in The Homework Club.'

Another former attendee remembers: 'I was 10 when I fist started attending the homework club. Til this day, whenever I walk past I get goosebumps. Not to exaggerate in any shape or form, that's the truth. I would come back from school and would be so excited to go, as a young kid I don't think it was the fact I was getting support with my homework that got me electrified but it was the environment the club created. We didn't realise we were creating memories, we just knew we were having fun.

The homework club provided me with a safe environment to develop better relationships, make friends and most of all get academic help. I want to mention how sympathetic the people were. There were times that all I needed was someone to talk to so I could express my feelings. Furthermore, not all young people come from the same households. Everyone is different but that wasn't a barrier. When it came to the staff, they were always there to show support no matter what and that's what made a difference.

I probably never said this but I want to thank all the staff who tirelessly encouraged, motivated and supported us as young people throughout the years.

"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself".'

Current students
‘I’ve been coming to Homework Club since I was in Y5 so 6 years. It helped me become the woman I am today. It helped me meet deadlines for the last 312 weeks. I am thankful...because I rely on it for my studies and enjoy it’

‘I’ve been attending the Broomhall Homework Club since I was 8. I still remember my first time there, so many people under one roof, I found it overwhelming but their willingness to learn was so infectious! Watching documentaries and ted talks with Polly and a few other people my age helped me evolve as a student, I was inspired by education, I’d leave those sessions and brag about what I had learnt to my school friends the next day. I've come out of my shell and I owe it to Broomhall Homework Club. If it hadn't been for the support I received from Emily, Will and multiple other volunteers during my GCSEs and A Levels I doubt I would have gotten into university. The Broomhall Homework Club made me who I am today.’

From a volunteer...
‘I started volunteering at the Broomhall Homework Club around a year ago now, and it brightens up my week every week. I also say it has helped my mental health a lot as even if I’ve had a terrible day, I go to the Homework Club and work with the students and it really improves my state of mind by giving back and helping others’


The Broomhall Centre (Sheffield)


The Broomhall Centre (Sheffield) Logo

What your gift could provide


One hour of staff time to run the club


Room hire for a week of the homework club


Event costs for an entire year to enrich our young people's education

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