
Todmorden Food Drop In nappy appeal

£151 of £2k





Team Fundraisers

 Can you help us raise £2000 for much needed nappies for families in need? Every week we have parents coming to us for help and many just cannot afford to buy nappies for their babies and children. Nappies are now costing around £20 per month. 

Just recently a young family came to us. The father had lost his job and they were waiting for universal credits.  They were embarrassed and ashamed as they have never had to ask for help before and have limited family in the area who were unable to help them out financially.  They had two young children under the age of 5.  Being able to choose food items including nappies really helped them.  After 5 weeks the father got a new job and they didn’t need the food bank any more. But it made such a difference to them. 

 The problem is that nappies are one of the most expensive items for us to buy. With numbers going up and food prices rising we can’t afford to buy nappies every week and often have to rely on then being donated. That’s why we’ve set up this appeal. £2000 would help us to buy enough nappies for the next year. Can you help? 


Todmorden Food Drop In

Todmorden | Social Welfare

Todmorden Food Drop In Logo

What your gift could provide


1 packet of nappies for a newborn


Nappies for a month for 1 family


Makes a real difference to us!

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