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BucksVision MK

Milton Keynes | Disability


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The charity runs a number of activities,  social clubs and support services in Milton Keynes for blind and visually impaired people with the help of local volunteers.  This enables their members, who may otherwise be lonely, or unsure about leaving their homes safely and unaware of equipment and technology, the confidence to attend social activities, go out for a meal and a drink with friends, help provide independence, and enjoy or learn new experiences.

We have been able to provide a number of interesting and specialist activities on a regular basis, such as walking groups, yoga, art and crafts, a technology group, tandem riding, tai chi, a reading group, ballroom dancing, pub lunches and tennis for the visually impaired. Our volunteers also run a resource centre which offers advice and support to members on equipment and aids available, and on other services and contacts that could help them.

There are 2 fortnightly social clubs meeting on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Stantonbury and Peartree, where visually impaired members can meet and enjoy a cup of tea and a chat, join in a whole variety of activities as well as enjoying musical entertainment, talks from various organisations and outings.

We also offer a befriending service where members can talk  over the phone with a volunteer on a regular basis, or where a volunteer may visit them in their home for a chat and cuppa!

We are lucky to have an amazing group of volunteers who transport our members to and from the clubs and activities, or who run the clubs and facilitate and organise the experiences. However, we do have to fundraise in order to provide these activities and support, and we do rely heavily on donations, to continue running them.

Why the community needs us
To enable visually impaired and blind people in the Milton Keynes Area to engage in social activities and also to assist them with neccesary activities of daily living.

Our impact on the community
Bucks Vision relies on donations, whether large or small, to raise funds to help blind and partially sighted people lead independent and fulfilling lives. Many of the services we offer today would not exist without the ongoing generosity of members and the general public. Donations are vital if we are to continue to provide our services.

Our details

Bucks Vision MK Resource Centre, Milton Keynes MK6 3EB

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