
Oxfordshire Breastfeeding Support

Oxford | Health & Wellbeing

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Raised in 2024


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Living amidst a current cost of living crisis, breastfeeding is more important than ever. New parents have often not been breastfed themselves, or had the opportunity to learn from watching others. Oxfordshire Breastfeeding Support (OBS) plays a vital role in filling that gap, providing timely, skilled specialist help, and connecting parents with one another.

We want to meet the needs of everyone who comes to us for breastfeeding support. This is why we offer both virtual and in-person services.  We are committed to widening access to OBS.

Our services:

  • Weekly sessions in Didcot, Barton, Kidlington and East Oxford
  • Individual virtual consultations to people who find it hard to attend our weekly sessions 
  • Preparing to breastfeed virtual sessions for expectant parents
  • Low-cost loan of breast pumps 
  • A private Facebook group (moderated and supportive)
  • We also provide targeted breastfeeding support, to teenage parents in partnership with specialist health visiting service Family Nurse Partnership.

    Our support services are delivered by experienced specialist breastfeeding Facilitators who are supported by trained peer supporter volunteers. 

We help everyone who wants to breastfeed
  • Families from all ethnic, social and cultural backgrounds
  • Families who are struggling with the cost of living
  • Teen families
  • Families who are pumping, including those exclusively pumping
  • Families who have previously fed their baby with formula or who are mixed feeding
  • LGBTQ+ families
  • Parents and children with disabilities
  • Lone parent families
  • Families who have languages other than English as their first language
  • Families having their first baby or tenth
  • Families who are chestfeeding
  • Families who have induced lactation, including adoptive parents
  • Families who are using donor milk 
  • Fathers, partners and supporters
  • Families with a non-traditional structure 

What service users say about our impact:
"A life saver. I can't get through to my GP surgery, I have no idea where the health visitors went, I couldn't break into the hospital to see the feeding team, my community midwife seemed to disappear but OBS were easy to talk to and useful. Really helped me and I think they are invaluable" Vanessa, service user

"At 6 weeks post-partum, I was at my lowest, and ready to give up hope of continuing breastfeeding. My partner insisted I sought help. During lockdown, at home, I was able to access one to one support from a smiling OBS face. She gave me encouragement that I was doing the right things, along with expert advice, tips and reassurance that it *would* get better. The true value is that nearly 6 months later, I still see that morning's Zoom call as a turning point in our feeding journey.  It did get better."  Rebecca, service user.

"The one to one support and online group meetings have been so encouraging. It was so nice to receive help, to meet other mothers and to learn from their experiences, and also good to hear that we were not doing everything wrong. The enthusiasm and commitment of the OBS team is really special." Rosa, service user

What we will do with your donation
Your donation will enable us to continue providing our services and will hopefully enable us to expand in the coming year.

On behalf of our service users
Thank you!                         

What your gift could provide


pays for one family to attend our Preparing to Breastfeed session


pays for one person to attend an online consultation


covers the cost of a group session which supports several families

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