Action Kintore SCIO Logo

Action Kintore SCIO

Kintore | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring


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Action Kintore support the Bothie providing Youth Club facilities AT NO COST for 12 to 18 year olds in the Kintore area, our aims are :- "Develop healthy considerate young people with confidence in themselves, their health and wellbeing" - "Being able to socially interact and deal with bullying and social media pressures" - "To feel part of a community" - "Able to consider and take responsibility for their actions" - "Be considerate of others of all ages and situations".

Why the community needs us

Providing purposeful activities for young people, encouraging them to be socially aware, confident and participating young citizens in our town.

Our impact on the community

The Bothie is now in its 6th year having success in providing "Somewhere to go", " Someone to talk to about my issues", " Drug and Alcohol awareness sessions", " Fostering Confidence and Self Worth" , " Residential Water Sport Weekend" "Fun, Entertainment, Outdoor Activity Trips" , "Youth participation in Community events". "Health and Body Awareness",

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