Providing integrated services, support and products to people in later life in all parts of Berkshire. Age UK Berkshire is an independent locally-funded and managed charity, associated with Age UK. We deliver a wide variety of services to support and enable older people to enjoy and love later life including information & advice, befriending, handyperson, help at home, dementia support, exercise and computing classes- to name a few!
Why the community needs us
Ensuring that older people can remain active contributors to their community, usually by providing services and support for them at home, is a vital part of what Age UK Berkshire does. Equally, we believe that local communities should support their older population - isolation and loneliness for some older people continue to rise.
Our impact on the community
Each year we have work with around 18,000 different older people across Berkshire. Our support and services are also of help to younger people concerned about their parents or family, sometimes now at a distance from regular contact. Age UK Berkshire pride ourselves that we make a difference to the lives of people in later life: combating loneliness, enabling independence and providing advice.