A Mind Apart Theatre Company Limited Logo

A Mind Apart Theatre Company Limited

Sheffield | Arts, Culture & Heritage


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A Mind Apart is a performing arts organisation, using the creative arts to engage with some of the most vulnerable children and families in the South Yorkshire Region. Our work includes: 

  • Delivering Dramatherapy for young people and adults, at a time when Covid has left so many children, young people and vulnerable adults traumatised. 
  • Fully inclusive performing arts classes for all ages, focusing on creating safe spaces that encourage diversity and personal development. All of our classes promote peer support and mentoring and full engagement no matter what your background, age, ability or ethnicity. These classes not only support those that want to study further in the sector, but they offer a safe social space for individuals that have struggled to find a community or suffer with loneliness, anxiety and depression or learning needs. 
  •  Delivery of Alternative Education Programmes for students who are not able to be in school full time. This can include those with Special Educational Needs, individuals suffering with mental health concerns, young people vulnerable to criminal activity and all forms of exploitation and abuse, children and young people in care as well as those caring for adults. The education programme focuses on supporting students to develop and grow personally, using performing arts techniques to support with managing emotions, conflict management, independent living, confidence and self-esteem, whilst training them into the sector through the Arts Award Qualification.

Our services have reached over 10,000 young people in South Yorkshire since we started in 2008, and we have seen young people who were told they would never get into college finish their college course and go onto university or achieve employment and be successful in their job. We have guided and supported young people away from criminal activity and exploitation, helping them to see how better choices can give them a better life. We have supported young people into the creative industry and now work with them as professionals as the excel in what they do. 

We believe that everyone can achieve success, no matter where you come from, and in supporting our work, you will be helping us to help more vulnerable children, young people and adults be successful in their lives through offering them creative outlets to explore what success means for them.
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Our details

57 Burton Street, Sheffield S6 2HH

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