
Anna Kennedy Online


Raised in 2024


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Anna Kennedy Online is a small charity with a big heart, that raises Autism Awareness like no other mainstream charity, we are not conventional nor traditional.

We are established and passionate about helping society and raising Autism Awareness across the globe by making a difference through our dedication to reaching out and supporting communities.
Autism affects more than 1 in 100 people and over 700,000 people in UK are autistic, which means that 2.8m people have a relative on the autism spectrum.

Anna Kennedy Online is dedicated to promoting the inclusion and equality of children and adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder throughout society.

The charity promotes its mission of disability equality by developing and delivering training, providing legal advice, social media reach out, roadshows and talks around the UK by raising awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and also by its advocacy efforts with and on behalf of people with disabilities.     

What your gift could provide


offer sponsorship to children and adults on the spectrum, this has been life changing for many


keeps our online presence to reach out to the public


Official event sponsors to raising awareness

Our details

£0 raised from 3 pages

AKO Autism Expo 2021

£0 raised since January 2021

Autism Hero Awards

£0 raised since January 2021

Anna Kennedy Online

£0 raised since January 2021