Southampton | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring
Southampton | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring
Southampton ranks 320th out of 354 in the Child Wellbeing Index of Local Authorities. This statistic points to a need for the work of the Avenue Centre. Many families are under pressure. We offer support through family crises. In 3 sessions a week children play in a very well equipped Playroom, much provided by 6 successful BBC Children in Need grants from 6 applications. Mothers meet separately and we provide friendship, advice at times of crisis and a long term training in life skills
Why the community needs usFor 20 years we have supported families made homeless through mortgage default and family breakdown. We teach teenage parents parenting skills. Today we see more families with a migrant background, from Eastern Europe and from the trouble spots of the World as refugees. For these families we provide crucial assistance in integration. Through healthy eating, cooking and IT courses and with an emphasis on speech and emotional development we equip families for work and life in the community.
Our impact on the communityOur diverse well trained staff include refugees and former service users. Our philosophy is to encourage the development of talents often previously hidden by war, family abuse or abject poverty. The results are rewarding, with examples of previous clients becoming teachers and in one case a solicitor. Coming to us with a history of substance abuse can be followed by acquiring a first-aid certificate and the first entry to a part-time job. We build stepping stones away from shattered lives.
Avenue St Andrew's United Reformed Church, Southampton SO17 1XQ