Bridge Creative Enterprise CIC Logo

Bridge Creative Enterprise CIC



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Bridge Creative supports adults with learning disabilities and autism in creative employment opportunities, supporting people to socialise, learn new skills and build confidence.
County Durham has one of the lowest rates of adults with learning disabilities in paid employment in the UK at just 1.9%, which is around just 34 people in the whole county! We want to change this.
We support people across County Durham and Darlington and have been delivering our Keeping People Connected service, supporting people to keep safe, well and connected during the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching those who desperately need support during this tough time.
We have recently launched two new projects, Keeping People Creative and Keeping Peope Active to support people to learn new digital and creative skills, and to keep fit whilst at home. 

£592.5 raised from 2 pages

Uk Women partnership group

£0 raised since October 2020

15,000 foot Sky dive!

£592.5 raised since August 2020