
Community Foundation for Calderdale

Halifax | Social Welfare

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Raised in 2024


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We are an accredited grant making charity working at the heart of your local community for over 31 years. We channel grants to local frontline charities meeting important community needs, using our in-depth community knowledge, connections, and know-how.

Why the community needs us more than ever
Every year we give out over £2 million to several hundred local organisations and individuals for charitable purposes and we are currently raising funds for two major crises affecting all of us...

1. The cost of living crisis which is impacting on so many Calderdale families with rising fuel, food and utilities costs. For more information and/or to support the Foundation's cost of living appeal please click on the Appeal button and on the drop down menu, you will find this above the big blue Give Monthly button on the right of the page.

2. Climate Emergency is with us, it's real and unless we take action to keep the global temperature at a manageable level we will all see more frequent weather extremes with flood ing and water shortages.

The frequent floods in the Upper Calder Valley have been devastating to so many local people but the Climate Emergency affects each and every one of us and without significant and immediate intervention locally and globally we face devastation beyond our comprehension.

We are determined at the Foundation to do our bit and we're partnering with Calderdale Council and investing over £1 million to fund grants to voluntary and community environmental and carbon reducing projects across Calderdale. The Council's £0.5m is to be spent over 2 years as grants between £1,000 and £50,000. The £0.5m we are investing in the Climate Emergency Fund is from Foundation endowed funds and we will invest and protect the £0.5m and utilise the income from investing year on year.

To date we have given out 22 Grants totaling £463,899, this averages out at £21k per grant.

We need your help
We have made a great start but we need to mobilise much more funding and we need to act quickly to make a tangible difference and ultimately achieve a zero carbon Calderdale. 

Please consider making a one off donation or set up a Direct Debit to donate on a regular basis and your donation/s will be added to the Climate Emergency Fund. 

Thank You

Steve DuncanDL, CEO 

What your gift could provide


an important contribution to the Climate Emergency Fund


an important contribution to the Climate Emergency Fund


an important contribution to the Climate Emergency Fund

Our details

01422 349700

£22.30k raised from 2 pages

Laptops for Learning

£3.12k raised since January 2021

Never Hungry Again...

£19.18k raised since October 2020