
CoDa Dance Company

Grays | Arts, Culture & Heritage

https://dhr91o08xrgul.cloudfront.net/image/vco_16108_e274984a54183506a9b52579ca5187af.png Logo


Raised in 2024


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CoDa has a history of making exciting dance happen in unusual places. Since 2013 we've created professional dance shows in non-theatre spaces and supported communities to make work about their local areas. Our aim is to tell real life differently. We specialise in dance as a physiotherapy tool for people with neurological disabilities, like MS and Acquired Brain Injury. We've built an exceptional reputation and, until Covid-19 hit the UK in March, we were delivering dance weekly on 3 wards at Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability. They want us to deliver on 12 wards, but sessions are on hold indefinitely. We've spent 2-years developing a big project that blends our expertise, creating an exciting and immersive digital dance show REwired that tells unheard stories of people with neurodisabilities. Sadly, £50,000 of our fundraising disappeared overnight as funders responded to the crisis. We must now redesign our work to be delivered entirely online. We need your help to realise our plans!

Why the community needs us
Each year we engage around 1000 people through live performances and dance workshops. We strive to give people joyful and meaningful experiences that inspire creativity and curiosity. People leave our sessions feeling more mobile and connected to others. Our artistic work makes people feel excited and more empathetic to themselves and others. Due to Covid-19, we're moving all our activity online to keep our audiences safe. We are determined to continue to connect people despite our distance.

Our impact on the community
Tom, participant with MS, commenting on artistic research on REwired in 2018: "I've never been able to fully explain it, but the dancers showed what it's like for me each day. Everyone should see this to understand what it's like to have MS." RHN staff on dance sessions: "To do something that's less focussed on verbal communication is very beneficial for patients with severe communication impairments. People are sitting straighter in their chairs, making more eye contact and having fun together.

What your gift could provide


1 neurodisabled person can take part in 1 live-streamed dance workshop


pays 1 artist for 1 day to research creation of the REwired 360º dance film


1 online discussion for people to discuss neurology and dance

Our details

£0 raised from 2 pages

Specialist Dance Workshops for Hospital Patients with Neuro-disabilities

£0 raised since June 2020

REwired - a 360º virtual reality dance film

£0 raised since December 2019