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Edinburgh | Social Welfare


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Comas is a community development agency dedicated to liberating the potential of people who feel on the outside of society to find their best way to experience community and to be resilient. We work to ensure: Vulnerable people have greater self belief and better quality of life; Decision makers change the way they think and commission services with vulnerable people; Service providers change their thinking and practice with vulnerable people.

Why the community needs us

Comas works with people who experience 'multiple and complex needs': people with long term and chronic problems of addiction, mental illness, growing up in care without family support or the ability to form supportive relationships. They experience loneliness that is hard to overcome, find full employment difficult, and sustaining a home challenging. Their wellbeing goes through highs and lows, rather than in linear progress, which is why many agencies find their needs hard to resolve.

Our impact on the community

What Comas has achieved so far: We have established one of the first UK recovery cafes, involving people recovering from addiction in creating a community social hub for others recovering from addiction; We have pioneered learning programmes for people recovering from addiction, helping them to rebuild their lives and put something back into their community; We have specialised in developing coaching for people experiencing set backs to become more resilient and cope better.

Our details

8 Jackson's Entry, The Tun, Edinburgh EH8 8PJ

£0 raised from 2 pages

Serenity Cafe Project

£0 raised since July 2011

Arts In Recovery

£0 raised since July 2011