
Tom and Denver take on the Clipper Race






Team Fundraisers

Our Chairperson Tom has taken our Mascot Denver on a challenge of a lifetime onboard a Clipper yacht. Tom left Portsmouth on Monday 4th September and will arrive in Uruguay approx 12th October. 
There are 22 people on the yacht and they are doing shifts, sharing the bunks. 

Tom doesn't have access to wifi or phone signal so can't communicate with Roz back home. It certainly is a challenge for him but hopefully he can raise some well deserved funds for CA. 


Creating Adventures

Warrington | Disability

Creating Adventures Logo

What your gift could provide


a member with a session with our Creative Crew Art Club


one member with a cookery class learning to live independently.


20 adults with autism and learning disabilities with a choir session

£1.29k raised from 4 pages

Cheska does a half

£0 raised since June 2024

Creating Adventures Minibus Appeal

£0 raised since May 2024

Beautiful Noise Choir

£1.27k raised since March 2024

Tom and Denver take on the Clipper Race

£25 raised since September 2023