CSOLP is a community run group which seeks to increase access to outdoor learning and environmental education, especially for disadvantaged groups. We provide inclusive opportunities to participate in woodland conservation, forest school and rural skills. We manage two woodlands with the help of our volunteers and have run sessions for families over the years with support from Somerset Community Foundation and Somerset Play Forum. We have expanded our provision for children with disabilities.
Why the community needs usOur two woodland sites have supported a range of familes, young people and adults, giving them an opportunity to connect with nature and be involved on a practical level. At Drayton children with disabilities have been able to enjoy supported woodland adventures whilst at Hallr Wood disaffected secondary aged boys who struggle at school have been given hope of careers in land based professions. At both sites projects are strongly connected to the community- evidenced by success of open days.
Our impact on the communityWe began focusing on play provision, offering chances for local children to play and learn safely in woods. We expanded into provision for young people and also those with disabilities. Our young people are now attaining John Muir awards for conservation and also Duke of Edinburgh Awards. We have encourgaed and supported our volunteers of all abilities to obtain qualifications and have run a large number of free workshops to increase skills. Some are now employed.