Dundee Dragons Wheelchair Sports Club Logo

Dundee Dragons Wheelchair Sports Club

Auchterarder | Disability


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DDWSC is the only Active-User Wheelchair Sports Club in Tayside. We provide 9 hours of sport per week over 6 key disciplines, to people of all ages and abilities. Our ethos is #AllAboutAbility: if you can push a manual wheelchair then we can find a sport for you to participate in!

Why the community needs us
We know that sport truly does change lives! Our membership boasts many stories of how playing sport in a DDWSC Jersey has improved the physical and mental health of our players.

Our impact on the community
Our #AllAboutAbility focus means we support players from Participation to Performance. We encourage people to take part in sport who might otherwise be excluded from team activities. Alongside this we do everything we can to facilitate players who wish to perform at national and international level in their chosen sport.

£1.01k raised from 5 pages

Dundee Dragons Wheelchair Sports Club Annual Wheelchair Push and BBQ

£311.25 raised since July 2024

Dundee half

£152.5 raised since May 2018

Mud Run

£85 raised since May 2018

Aberdeen 10K Wheelchair Race

£185 raised since May 2018

D&A College Staff & Student Triathlon

£277.5 raised since May 2018