
Elm Grove Parent Teacher Association

Brighton | Community Support & Development

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Raised in 2024


All Donations


All fundraisers


State schools in the UK are hugely underfunded by the government - our school simply doesn't receive enough money to operate, and it's our children who pay the price. The PTA are a registered charity led by parent and carer volunteers who fundraise to try to make up the shortfall in funding. This enables us to pay for the very basic supplies that every child needs whilst enriching the lives of all of Elm Grove's pupils. By supporting our fairs, discos and non-uniform days you've helped us to provide food parcels for families in need during the pandemic, landscape the Blossom Garden and Top Playground, build the OPAL sheds and Reception mud kitchen, pay for school trips, provide free school uniforms, renovate the Y6 classrooms, provide 15 tablets and supply all of Reception & Y1 with the new curriculum reading books.


This year the PTA will be fundraising to create our new school pantry, an initiative that targets food waste whilst saving families money on their food bills, we are also aiming to provide healthy snacks for all children and create weekly food parcels for those families in need. We also plan to better equip the school's amazing Special Educational Needs and Disabilities team, provide a whole school enrichment activity, fund the Blossom Garden maintenance, help create a graphic novel library and lastly we are continuing with our long term goal to renovate the entrance hall and every classroom in the school. Whilst our Victorian building is lovely, it is also very tired! The children need new chairs and tables (that are child sized and fit for purpose!) new carpets and clean, painted walls. Next up - the Y5 classrooms!


The PTA can't do any of this with your support. By giving your time to volunteer at our events, donating your old toys and books, baking cakes or joining us at our fundraisers you can be a part of helping Elm Grove. 

Thank you so much! The PTA x 

What your gift could provide


30 bags of pasta for the pantry


pays for 10 KS2 home reading books


pays for a class enrichment activity

Our details

£2.84k raised from 1 page

The Pantry

£2.84k raised since September 2023