FIND (Families in Need) Ltd Logo

FIND (Families in Need) Ltd

IPSWICH | Social Welfare


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FIND is a Christian based registered charity providing emergency assistance to families or individuals affected by poverty or dispossession in Ipswich and the surrounding area. In the community, we have adults who simply exist from one day to the next and who are desperate for help, including youngsters living on low incomes without life or budgeting skills trying to find ways to feed, clothe and house themselves.

Why the community needs us

We help those that are deprived of a minimum standard of living, be they single, families, lone parents, children, elderly, sick, disabled or homeless. We offer, free of charge, food, household items, furniture, nursery equipment and nappies, beds and bedding and, when available, cookers, washing machines and refrigerators. When appropriate this includes personal support too.

Our impact on the community

In 2012, 1,642 children (16 years & under) and 1,543 adults received aid, many being referred more than once. This included all household type items, from teaspoons to beds to furniture to white goods. 1,988 emergency food parcels were also distributed. At Christmas 1,030 hampers were made up and, along with individual gifts, reached more than 1,207 children and 1,115 adults.FIND also spent £5,850 on rough sleepers, purchasing B&B places, rent deposits, footwear, food and travel to safer abodes

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£17.86k raised from 32 pages

Morgan Sindall Construction Fundraiser

£0 raised since March 2024

Marathon for Families in need

£0 raised since February 2023


£172 raised since December 2022

Team Bumba Xmas Fundraiser 2022

£359.25 raised since November 2022

Virtual Everest Challenge

£67.5 raised since October 2021

LeJog in 10 days

£1.82k raised since August 2021

Fundraising for Families in Need (FIND)

£425 raised since June 2021

Orwell Park’s Captain Tom 100

£751.25 raised since April 2021

Jen and Paul's Walk 1000 miles 2021

£242.5 raised since January 2021

Gracie & Albie's Lockdown Challenge

£325 raised since January 2021


£820.31 raised since December 2020

Virtual Donation Station

£0 raised since December 2020

Christmas Jumper Day 2020

£38.75 raised since November 2020

Drawing & Art With Sam. January Art Course

£1.83k raised since November 2020

Step up to the Plate 10k Challenge

£269.5 raised since November 2020

Christmas smiles - Christmas baubles

£0 raised since November 2020

2020 office Christmas meal

£910.25 raised since November 2020

Go the extra mile

£0 raised since October 2020

Royal Hospital School

£0 raised since October 2020

The 40th Race: Virtual Virgin London Marathon 2020

£0 raised since October 2020

Jaffa Junior Virtual 2020 Relay

£502.25 raised since August 2020

“No Need To Worry” song by Jemima Alexander

£773.75 raised since July 2020

Nick & George Lands End to John O'Groats cycleride

£2.63k raised since July 2020

Charlie's 31 day running challenge

£1.21k raised since June 2020

Pegasus Enduro Isolation

£2.56k raised since May 2020


£378.75 raised since April 2020

Kirk's Christmas List

£317.5 raised since December 2019

Christmas Charity Appeal - Ipswich Facebook Group

£10.75 raised since November 2018

Ellisons Solicitors Rounders Tournament

£0 raised since May 2018

Santa run - Safeguarding Santa’s are coming !!

£951.25 raised since November 2016

London Marathon 2015

£497.5 raised since March 2015

FIND Food Bank

£0 raised since February 2012