Floating Counselling Community Logo

Floating Counselling Community

london | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring


Raised in 2024


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The main purpose of our organisation is to support and educate the community about being physically and mentally healthy. This is done via counselling, mentorship, giving food, outreach work, community events, faith organisation workshops delivery, one to one / group counselling, school and parenting support. All our Counsellors are also fully qualified psychotherapist and mental health practitioners, our volunteers are supported to undergo training to ensure they are able to support the community.

Why the community needs us
Our impact on the community
We suppoted almost 200 people per week (1100 people) with educational tips on how to be mentally healthy and cooked food for 6 weeks and we will like to continue to support the community to be educated about mental health, to be emotionally healthier, emotionally more resilient and support with food, tinned and packaged food.

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