Friends of Walnuts School Logo

Friends of Walnuts School

Milton Keynes | Education & Training


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Friends of Walnuts is a parent/teacher group at The Walnuts, a special needs school for 4-18 year olds with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The group was formed to raise funds for equipment and experiences to support children's learning and quality of life. It also organises social events for parents and staff.

Why the community needs us

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong disability, where people often struggle with language, and have limited verbal and social communication skills. Raising a child with ASD is very challenging, and parents can often feel isolated. Friends of Walnuts is also a support group, and organises regular coffee mornings with guest speakers, where parents can meet, chat and share their experiences.

Our impact on the community

In the past the group has raised funds for bikes, a bike shed, Christmas gifts for children, trips for pupils, a training project for parents, and funded a summer outing for families. The group provides a useful forum where parents and staff can meet to discuss issues and ideas, and this in turn improves the communication between staff and parents, which benefits the whole school.

Our details

The Walnuts School, Milton Keynes MK8 0PU

£267.5 raised from 3 pages

3 hour netball match

£0 raised since June 2014

MK Marathon for Friends of Walnuts School

£267.5 raised since April 2014

School Entrance Art Project

£0 raised since February 2012