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Bournemouth | Health & Wellbeing


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At Faithworks we passionately believe in coming alongside others to provide support where it is really needed.  We believe there is always Hope. Hope to get debt free, Hope to rebuild self-confidence as a lone parent, Hope to get off the street and find a home, work and a new community, Hope to break-free from addiction and habits, HOPE to feed your family, learn cookery skills and even teach the children to cook….

Thanks to 38 staff and over 270 volunteers, Faithworks Wessex runs projects to practically help people and focus our work on those at key transition points of life: rough-sleepers, those in addiction recovery, lone parents, those in material crisis (food) and debt or financial confusion.

Why the community needs us
Here’s an example of what can happen: Poppy was removed from her home of 10 years due to being endangered through domestic violence. She was placed in emergency accommodation and, having left all her possessions behind, came to Poole Food Bank with nothing except the clothes that she was wearing. We provided food, emotional support and signposted her for help with benefits and accessing clothing. Poppy regularly returned to the Food Bank to chat with the volunteers over coffee. Gradually we saw her confidence and self-esteem restored. Poppy now has her life back on track and says she is ‘doing great’! She is now volunteering with the Food Bank two days a week, where she is a huge support to both visitors and other volunteers.

Our impact on the community
Last year we helped over 8,000 people get out of crisis or stop getting into crisis! Our foodbanks have provided more than 5,450 food parcels feeding over 12,800 mouths.  Our debt team have supported clients with debt totaling over £1m, working on average with 20 clients each month and have helped 21 clients become free from debt.  This last winter Sleepsafe provided 1,500 hot meals to guests over 24 weeks and helped 42 guests (76%) find a more secure home off the street, before Covid-19 lock-down.  176 people have been supported through our recovery project, including 125 through the Recovery Course.      

Our details

Heron Court Road, Bournemouth BH9 1DE

£39.10k raised from 16 pages

Siggers pizza

£918.5 raised since March 2021

Abi and Ursula's Trek for Toy Appeal

£543.75 raised since November 2020


£125 raised since August 2020

Faithworks Recovery

£193.75 raised since July 2020

Poole Marathon and Covid-19 Face Mask Donations

£463.75 raised since April 2020

Team Haskins - Static Bikeathon

£0 raised since March 2019

Team Haskins - Bournemouth Marathon Supernova 5k

£345.49 raised since March 2019

Team Haskins - Virtual Marathon May 2019

£347.5 raised since March 2019

Bournemouth Town Pastors

£0 raised since February 2018

Blandford Food Bank+

£9.91k raised since January 2018

Christchurch Food Bank

£7.22k raised since January 2018

Poole Food Bank+

£11.51k raised since January 2018

Wimborne Food Bank

£6.17k raised since January 2018

WBC Cares Boxing Academy Event – Poole

£278.75 raised since June 2017

Christchurch Food Bank - Hope out of crisis

£0 raised since April 2017

Poole Food Bank - Hope out of crisis

£1.07k raised since February 2017