
Poole Food Bank+






Team Fundraisers

Poole Foodbank+, provides food to the most vulnerable - to those who really can't make ends meet and who, often, are at their lowest point. In addition to the food parcels, they provide cookery courses with creative ideas for cooking on a tight budget; hunger holiday parcels for families who normally receive free school meals; microwave/kettle parcels for people in Bed & Breakfast accommodation; and recipe bags to encourage more adventurous cooking.  Not only that they provide support to those in debt, assisting with budgeting and also debt management and signposting to other services where needed.

Why they need our service

 It is a sad reality that currently in the UK many families and individuals do not have enough money to buy essential food items. Having to choose between paying essential bills or eating, people's lives can be turned upside down overnight. Redundancy, sickness, financial difficulties and low incomes are just some of the struggles people face in our community. Locally in Poole, there are families and individuals that are in this situation right now.

Plan and expected results

 Poole Food Bank+ saw a significant increase in referrals last year and gave out 2,642 food parcels, feeding 6,437 mouths; 112 holiday parcels providing food for 563 mouths including 360 children during school holidays and support was provided to deal with £37k worth of debt. It isn't a privilege to have food, everyone has this basic need - thank you for your support in working towards ending food poverty in Poole.



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What your gift could provide


provides the ingredients for a recipe bag for a family of 4


provides a food parcel for a couple


would pay for someone to take part in a 6-week cookery course

£35.13k raised from 7 pages


£125 raised since August 2020

Faithworks Recovery

£193.75 raised since July 2020

Bournemouth Town Pastors

£0 raised since February 2018

Blandford Food Bank+

£9.91k raised since January 2018

Christchurch Food Bank

£7.22k raised since January 2018

Poole Food Bank+

£11.51k raised since January 2018

Wimborne Food Bank

£6.17k raised since January 2018