Lewes Library of Things seeks to address inequality and reduce consumption by giving local people the choice to borrow rather than buy the items they need for short term or one off use. From tools for DIY to a gazebo for a family celebration, people will no longer need to spend money on buying an item that will only be used for a few hours, or that they don't have room to store in their home. We have decided to make this a FREE service to all.
We opened on 1st July 2021. Please visit our website at www.leweslibraryofthings.org.uk to become a member and open up a world of borrowing!
Go Local CIC, the organisation setting up Lewes Library of Things, is a not for profit community interest company. We develop projects that combat social isolation, help those in more deprived communities, protect the environment by conserving resources and promote wider behavioural change to help our planet. In 2019 we established Lewes Repair Cafe. This project achieved a lot of success in a short space of time and re-opened in July 2021.
Go Local CIC is regulated by the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. Donations made via Localgiving can benefit from Gift Aid.
£28.75 raised from 1 page
Lewes Repair Cafe
£28.75 raised since March 2021
Go Local Community Interest Company
£28.75 raised from 1 page
Lewes Repair Cafe
£28.75 raised since March 2021
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Lewes Library of Things seeks to address inequality and reduce consumption by giving local people the choice to borrow rather than buy the items they need for short term or one off use. From tools for DIY to a gazebo for a family celebration, people will no longer need to spend money on buying an item that will only be used for a few hours, or that they don't have room to store in their home. We have decided to make this a FREE service to all.
We opened on 1st July 2021. Please visit our website at www.leweslibraryofthings.org.uk to become a member and open up a world of borrowing!
Go Local CIC, the organisation setting up Lewes Library of Things, is a not for profit community interest company. We develop projects that combat social isolation, help those in more deprived communities, protect the environment by conserving resources and promote wider behavioural change to help our planet. In 2019 we established Lewes Repair Cafe. This project achieved a lot of success in a short space of time and re-opened in July 2021.
Go Local CIC is regulated by the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. Donations made via Localgiving can benefit from Gift Aid.