Harbour Bideford Logo

Harbour Bideford

Bideford | Housing / Homelessness


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Our doors are open to all those who are experiencing:- Homelessness (including "sofa surfing"), poverty / exclusion, poor mental health, drug / alcohol problems, difficulties in avoiding offending behaviour. The Centre provides a safe, non judgemental and non threatening environment where people are accepted regardless of their circumstance or situation.

Why the community needs us

We provide a range of support services to homeless, vulnerable and socially disadvantaged individuals.We meet people at their point of need and offer food, warmth and friendship and through this contact build a relationship of mutual respect and trust.We work with a number of different local organisations and agencies who offer relevant support to help people take positive steps forward.

Our impact on the community

Over the past 10 years we have helped more than 800 different individuals and regularly see 20 to 30 people each day. Some comments from those we have helped:- "It's down to Harbour that I've been able to turn my life around for the better." "Harbour has helped me many times when I've had nowhere else to go.""This is the best place I've been to. Everyone treats me with respect and is so friendly."

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