
Her Centre

Woolwich | Social Welfare

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Raised in 2024


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Her Centre provides Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy services (IDSVA) to women experiencing abuse, covering safety planning, legal options, practical help, access to emergency refuges, as well as more long term group and individual counselling, open forums and events and women only basic English classes. Our work is based on giving power back to women to make their own choices.

Why the community needs us
Her Centre works in Greenwich and Bexley boroughs, working with local refuges, with community groups, with schools and children's centres and with council staff and police to support women who want to leave abuse or get support to make their lives safer.

Our impact on the community
Her Centre work with about 1000 women a year who contact us for advice, help, learning and support to stay safe and rebuild their lives.

What your gift could provide


£5 will support a woman to learn English, improving self reliance and reducing isolation


£10 will support a woman to attend our motivational group and build their confidence


£20 will cover costs for an emergency phone for an abused woman whose phone is police evidence.

Our details


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