We work to build the capacity of lesbian and bisexual women and their families. As one of the most invisible groups in NI society lesbian and bisexual women are often left out of the equation. We work to raise awareness of their needs and to make sure this vibrant section of society is socially included and given the chance to thrive. We do this by travelling to meet women in their own area's and asking what their needs are and setting up peer support groups so they might meet other LB women.
Why the community needs usThe peer support groups we run offer LB women the opportunity to meet other likeminded people and form meaningful relationships free from harassment and discrimination that is commonplace in many areas of life. We offer women one to one support and deliver bespoke LGBT awareness training to community groups, statutory bodies and other organisations. By doing this we are helping to alleviate the social exclusion and invisibility felt by LB women and their families across Northern Ireland.
Our impact on the communityOver 500 women get our monthly newsletter, we have over 10 support groups and help numerous women on a one to one basis. Women are less isolated, have more confidence and have increased levels of self esteem.