
Kool Carers South East Ltd


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Raised in 2024


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https://koolcarers.co.uk/Kool Carers is a registered charity, which was co-founded in 2018. The dedicated and passionate staff team, strive to support young carers aged 8 -18 years and their families residing within Brentwood and the Basildon Borough of Essex.  All staff, volunteers and trustees recognise that it is imperative to take a holistic approach when supporting young carers, so working alongside young carer's parents and families is essential, inorder for the charity to work towards securing the most positive outcomes for young carers.

Research has highlighted that within the county of Essex, there are over 10,000 young carers, with over 700,000 in the UK and yet still so many young carers and their families continue to fall below the radar, with a high proportion still not receiving the support that they are not only entitled to but deserve.

The young carers and their families that Kool Carers support are experiencing physical and or mental ill health, some family members are misusing drugs and alcohol and have experienced violence within their adult relationships.  Some of our young carers are caring for siblings who have a diagnosis of autism, many of these children experience behavioural issues and have other health conditions including cancer. In addition to being young carers, some of our young carers have their own additional / learning needs.  The global pandemic has brought with it a new forever changing 'normal', but for young carers and their families it has brought increased isolation, more fear and uncertainty, an increase in caring responsibilities and very little, if any respite. 

The tailored and structured programmes, which we can now go back to facilitating, not only allow young carers to meet other young people with whom they share an identity and have fun, they focus on developing independent lifeskills, building resilience and enhancing emotional wellbeing, all of which helps to reduce isolation and loneliness.  

The programmes Kool Carers offer, run throughout the year, which includes school holidays. The sessions are fun and educational and have included Drama, Music, Art Therapy, Science, Animal Therapy, Cooking, Topical Discussions and Horticulture.  Where possible, the charity likes to be able to offer exciting respite breaks for young carers, which have included a trip to Munich to see a newly inaugerated planetarium, a 7 day sailing experience aboard a tall sailing ship, in addition to short breaks at outdoor adventure centres. We have in the past held Christmas parties and Summer BBQ's, for young carers and their families. 

Since the pandemic, Kool Carers has received an influx of referrals, which has resulted in the charity being requested to support over 100 young carers and their families, which equates to approximately 360+ people and we still have a waiting list.

Any donation the charity receives will be utiilised to support these selfless and truly inspirational young people. Thank you. 

What your gift could provide


1 Hour Counselling Therapy with a Qualified Counsellor


2 Hour Group Session with 3 experienced Staff and up to 15 Young Carers

Our details

£2.85k raised from 1 page

Addo Play - Charity Events 2024

£2.85k raised since February 2024