Lavendon Village Hall Logo

Lavendon Village Hall

Milton Keynes | Health & Wellbeing


Raised in 2024


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The Village Hall provides a well-resourced location for individuals and groups to run diverse events for local people, including educational meetings, youth club and old folks entertainments, children's parties, wedding receptions, funeral 'wakes', stage shows, celebration parties, dance and fitness activities, as well as other charitable events for various village organisations such as the WI, the Royal British Legion and the annual Lavendon Show for crafts, flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Why the community needs us

Lavendon Village Hall helps to foster a village community spirit via the various, non-discriminatory activities and events run in the hall, all at very reasonable rates. The hall is available to individuals and groups for meetings and recreational activities without distinction of politics, race or religion. The Hall is a popular amenity and volunteers have shown their support by decorating and refurbishing the main hall. Further refurbishments are needed to improve toilets and kitchen areas.

Our impact on the community

Refurbishing the Hall facilities will encourage more people to get involved, particularly younger and disabled people, as it will be a more attractive place to use for leisure and entertainment events. We envisage a wider range of uses for the Hall including for example, wedding receptions, amateur theater, training facilities, evening classes, school functions and larger private parties. The Hall will become a more inclusive amenity for the whole community as a result of the improvements.

£0 raised from 1 page

Lavendon Village Hall Refurbishment Project

£0 raised since May 2013