
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Charity

LEEDS | Health & Wellbeing

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Raised in 2024


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Welcome to Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Charity

Who are we?
We are the charity for the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and we provide charitable funds to projects that enhance the experiences of patients in the communities we serve. We support staff to provide the best possible care for our service users and a donation from you can go a long way to helping us achieve these aims.

Doing our best for Leeds
Leeds Community Healthcare Trust provide NHS community healthcare services in Leeds and in some specialist cases beyond. We deliver care in or close to people's homes and our 3,000 strong staff includes nurses, therapists, pharmacists, non-registered and registered teams. Often working in partnership with other parts of the NHS, social care providers, criminal justice systems and the voluntary sector, our aim is to provide the best possible care in every community, and we share the ambition for Leeds to be the best city for health and well-being.
Providing support during the pandemic and beyond. . . 
Examples of our charitable funds spending:

  • Clinical Psychologist support for staff mental health and wellbeing in response to the Coronavirus pandemic
  • Tablets for digital inclusion of unpaid carers, enabling them to access healthcare services online and to reduce social isolation
  • TV subscription for our CAMHS adolescent inpatient facility
  • Providing homeless service users with warm Winter clothing
  • Plants and decorations for our waiting areas
  • Maintaining an aquarium to provide a sensory environment in our short break care centre for children with complex needs
How can you help?
- Making a one-off donation
- Setting up a monthly direct debit donation
- Fundraising for us

Every penny makes a difference to our staff and patients, and all your support is truly appreciated. Contact us today for more information: charity.lch@nhs.net

Website: https://www.leedscommunityhealthcare.nhs.uk/about/charity/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeedsCommunityHealthcare/
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/LCHNHSTrust

Thank you!

What your gift could provide


can help make a huge difference to our staff and patients


goes towards improving patient experience


helps us do our best for communities across Leeds

Our details

0113 220 8500

£493.25 raised from 1 page

Hannah House

£493.25 raised since June 2024