Lewes | Arts, Culture & Heritage
Lewes | Arts, Culture & Heritage
LewesLight Community Interest Company is a not for profit organisation that runs the annual LewesLight festival in the East Sussex town of Lewes.Using the medium of light the festival explores the culture and heritage of the town's past and its people by creating lit installations in and around the town. The festival also explores environmental issues in particular dark skies as Lewes is located within the dark sky reserve of the South Downs National Park. The festival is run on a voluntary basis by professionals working with community volunteers, students and young people.
Why the community needs usThe festival is an inclusive event aimed at all ages and backgrounds. It is primarily delivered for local people and provides opportunities for the community to come together and contribute to an event that celebrates the identity and culture of the town. The festival also brings visitors to the town benefiting the local economy. LewesLight also provides training opportunities and opportunities for work experience as well as sharing stories about the town, light and lighting.
Our impact on the communityVisitors attending the festival weekend will see exciting, inspiring and contemplative installations whilst engaging with the narrative of the stories behind them. We collaborate with school's, colleges and universities to give opportunities for young people to work with professionals; artists, lighting designers, makers, engineers, event managers and technicians providing valuable experience and mentoring. The event raises the profile of the town locally and nationally attracting visitors.