Speaking Up Speaking Out (SUSO) Logo

Speaking Up Speaking Out (SUSO)

Macclesfield | Disability


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Speaking Up Speaking Out (SUSO) began as an advocacy group for people with learning disabilities in Macclesfield in 2005. Our vision is for people with learning disabilities to be valued, to reach their full potential and feel included in society. We are user-led so our members have a sense of ownership and see SUSO as THEIR organisation. 

Our goal is to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities by:

  • Reducing isolation
  • Creating new opportunities
  • Improving well-being
  • Raising awareness about the abilities and needs of people with learning disabilities 

We run a friendly and welcoming centre for people with learning disabilities.  We open 4-5 days each week and offer a range of activities and a chance to meet new people.  Over 70 people choose to visit.

We currently run 3 projects:

1) Social activities - to improve well-being and reduce isolation.  We offer fun activities which our members choose themselves. Activities include arts, crafts, gardening, karaoke, dancing, yoga, quizzes, trips to the cinema and day trips.

2) Training - funded by Cheshire East Council, we deliver training for small groups of learning disabled adults. We run courses on travel training, managing personal relationships, personal safety online, managing your money, healthy eating, music and more.

3) Raising awareness of the abilities and needs of people with learning disabilities - via community events, meetings, talks and networking.

Why the community needs us:

Adults with learning disabilities can be amongst the most socially isolated and deprived members of society. By tackling social isolation we can help to improve health and well-being, skills and confidence and offer more opportunities. Our participation and involvement in a whole range of community activities promotes a more diverse and integrated community which benefits EVERYONE. Greater awareness of learning disability and related issues will help to reduce misunderstandings, stigma and even hate crime.

SUSO is a relaxed and informal service offering a wide variety of activities and training. Activities are based around different themes, and we have lots of social activities going on too. All the information is detailed on a monthly calendar which is displayed on our website, Facebook and available from the SUSO Team.

Our details

First Floor, The Heritage Centre, Roe Street, Macclesfield SK11 6UT

£1.57k raised from 2 pages

Andrew Bradley - Macclesfield Half Marathon

£32.5 raised since August 2016

Rachel's 100 mile cycle ride

£1.53k raised since July 2015