
New Medway Steam Packet Co Ltd reg. charity 296236

Gillingham | Arts, Culture & Heritage

https://dhr91o08xrgul.cloudfront.net/image/vco_17753_d6dfe858c651fe2dd3ce049987fae50c.jpg Logo


Raised in 2024


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To preserve the Paddle Steamer Medway Queen for the future, as a museum to the evacuation of Dunkirk.

Why the community needs us

By education and training in skills, including vocational, hospitality and heritage, for the future of the MQ.

Our impact on the community

What your gift could provide


Helps with small supplies.


Helps with cost of materials


Enables further work and conservation of the ship.

Our details

01634 575717

£0 raised from 2 pages

Disabled Stair Lift

£0 raised since May 2024


£0 raised since January 2024