Cardiff | Social Welfare
Cardiff | Social Welfare
Providing free workwear for those engaging with our working partners and experiencing clothing poverty, which has become a barrier into employment or training.
Working Wardrobe. The FOUR W’s
· Who
Working Wardrobe is a non-profit clothing charity aimed at providing suitable work attire for people engaging with our working partner hubs for employment, training and volunteering opportunities.
· What
Working Wardrobe aims to provide good quality clothing to those who are unable to obtain suitable work attire due to cost. All clothing is donated in new / nearly new condition and ensures good quality items do not contribute to the eleven million garments that are estimated to go into landfill each week!
· Where
Wherever we can be!! Working Wardrobe would like to be able to expand the operation throughout Wales and create sustainable communities for a circular economy.
· Why
Working in line with the Future Generations act as our framework, our community partners and our parent company, the Moxie Foundation, is a combined effort of expertise and enthusiasm to drive this forward.
To increase availability of good quality clothing for all, regardless of background
Work with retailers and businesses to increase donations of new clothing / footwear for all sizes
Reduce stigma and increase confidence in seeking employment
Provide tailored help, advice and guidance via our working partners
Avoid the purchasing of cheap, fast fashion which would have contributed to landfill
To increase the accessibility of employment
To enable the most vulnerable in society to access clothing for free rather than turning to high interest catalogues / loans for items
Reduce poverty