Isle of Mull Rugby Club Logo

Isle of Mull Rugby Club

Isle of Mull | Sports & Recreation


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Improving and maintaining the sports facilities for our Island community. When the Club started Mull had no sports facilities. It became apparent after a few years of playing on farmers fields and the airstrip (eventually the novelty of stopping games for landing planes or cleaning endless cowpats off the pitch wears thin!) the Club desperately needed facilities. The Club has now built two pitches, a club house, changing rooms and spectator deck, community car parking, and winter floodlights.

Why the community needs us

There are no outdoor sports facilities on the Isle of Mull. The local Rugby Club raised the capital costs and built these at Garmony, near Craignue, on the Island of Mull. Unfortunately public and grant giving bodies will not help with revenue costs as our Island population of 3000 is just below the recognised threshold for assistance. The Rugby Club has to rely on community effort and donated financial support to keep the facilities open.

Our impact on the community

The Garmony Facility is used or have been used by: rugby, football, shinty, athletics, hockey, school-sports, motor-cross, half-marathon, the Red Cross, fun days, sports development camps, dog training and many more. For their efforts the Mull Club has won a number of National awards and was selected by Land Rover as the Community Club to represent Scotland during the 2015 World Rugby Cup. By contributing you will help to guarantee the success of this much need local facility.

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Our details

Garmony Playing Fields, Nr. Craignure, Isle of Mull PA65 6BA

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