Ness M Care Foundation Logo

Ness M Care Foundation



Raised in 2024


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Ness M Care Foundation (NMF) is a charity dedicated to supporting activities that improve the quality of life for people cared for at home and their carers here in the UK and abroad. We provide information and advice, run services in and around local communities and campaign so that people at risk and those with living with health/social care needs are socially included. 

Our Services  
  • Ubuntu Coffee Mornings- Our monthly coffee mornings encourage those who are socially isolated (due to receiving or delivering care at home) to build lasting relationships and friendships with people in similar situations in Peterborough and the surrounding area over a cup of coffee, a slice of cake, and some table games. We named our coffee mornings after the African philosophy of ‘Ubuntu’ which places emphasis on 'being self through others’, as we recognise that no-one in society should be left behind. We hope to restart our coffee mornings soon in line with the latest government guidelines.   
  • Buddy Up – This project aims to support adults at risk by building up their social contact. This can include face-to-face companionship through a range of activities (like walks in the park, going to the supermarket or meeting at a café etc.), well-being calls from volunteers, or access to professional therapy.  
  • Walking Groups- Thanks to Living Sport, we are delighted to announce our new weekly walking group at Itter Park in Peterborough starting in Summer 2021! One-to-one walks can also be arranged for individuals with limited mobility so they can go at their own pace/distance. 
  • RISE- This project supports those who are unable to fund their own physiotherapy with small grants.  
  • Social Care in Zimbabwe- Like many developing countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa, Zimbabwe does not have a social care programme. We offer essential care equipment required for people cared for at home, and the required training to use the equipment. We then offer ongoing support in reviewing the care delivery and equipment as the person’s needs change.  We also installed a defibrillator in Peterborough which is available to the public to offer lifesaving support in case of a medical emergency.
Please help us to continue supporting those who need us most. Any amount you can give will be hugely appreciated.

Supporting us with Amazon Smile
Another great way to show support is by becoming an AmazonSmile customer. Select Ness M Care Foundation as your preferred charity and donations will be made each time you shop – at no extra cost to you: You shop; Amazon gives. Sign up and start donating here.     

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