
OPAL (Older People's Action in the Locality)

Leeds | Health & Wellbeing

https://dhr91o08xrgul.cloudfront.net/image/vco_14016_1641e5584d52fb7cfad12f7b557deb8d.jpg Logo


Raised in 2024


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Established in 2002, OPAL provides emotional and practical support, social activities as well as health and wellbeing activities. Our work promotes independence, well-being, and a sense of belonging for older people in our community. 

OPAL are part of Leeds Neighbourhood Network which is a celebrated network of voluntary organisations working across Leeds. 

We are an Award Winning Charity:

  • Queens Award for Volunteering and in 2020
  • The Inner North West Community Committee awarded OPAL with the Community Heroes Award. 
  • OPAL’s CEO was awarded the Citi Micro-entrepreneurial award for sustainability.
  • The CEO was also awarded an MBE for her work with OPAL.

Our impact  
Older people are happier and healthier!
100+ volunteers give 10,000+hrs per annum creating a stronger more connected community.
Our Community Café is a focal point in which all members of the community. We intercept food waste, serving affordable and nutritious food. OPAL have are based in and manage Welcome In Community Centre which is the community anchor. We are:
  • Digital Support Hub working in partnership with 100% Digital Leeds
  • Host to the Leeds 16 Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) project.
  • Host to a weekly Health Hub and a weekly wound clinic in partnership with Leeds Community Healthcare.
  • Host to Millfield for their weekly memory clinic.
  • Host to PCN for their weekly Health and Wellbeing Coach and Ageing Well Team.
  • Host to Adult Social Care for their fortnightly contact point.
  • Host to West Yorkshire Police weekly contact point.  

What your gift could provide


covers volunteer expenses to visit an isolated person weekly for a month


enables 3 carers to have a much needed break from their caring role


to provide accessible transport to a weekly lunch club ensuring 20+ older people have a hot meal

Our details

0113 261 9103

£462.5 raised from 1 page

Edale Skyline Challenge

£462.5 raised since January 2024