
Utheo Ltd

Bellshill | Community Support & Development

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Raised in 2024


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A Place For People, A Centre For All
UTHEO Ltd. is a dynamic community based organisation, operating as a recognised Scottish Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee for the benefit of people living in Orbiston and Bellshill. The key services at our centre (Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre) are Computer Learning, Community Café, Food Coop, Volunteering, Befriending, Out of School Care, Employability, Older Person's Services and our Get Involved programme as well as our weekly timetable of various activities and groups.

Why the community needs usWe have been pulsing at the heart of Orbiston since 1995, providing a community focus and playing an important part in many people’s lives. Utheo continues to seek ways of addressing the social, economic, environmental and spiritual needs of the local community through the operation of Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre, breaking down barriers that exist for local people and developing and delivering new services and activities that meet local needs. 

Our impact on the community
We receive up to 1000 visitors per week through the services provided and the local groups / projects that also use the Centre. The services run outside of the centre (such as Befriending) also improve the lives of many more people further out in the community who may not be able to physically access the centre.

When I walk through the door, it’s like I’m walking on air
I love the place. Everyone is so friendly and up for a laugh
You’ve brought strangers together that have become friends

What your gift could provide


pays for arts and crafts materials used in our Crafty Crafts sessions


pays for teas and coffees for 20 older men attending our Men's Group


pays for a summer outing for 20 older persons attending Day Care

Our details

01698 842215

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