Promoting Children in Plymouth
Promoting Children in Plymouth's specific mission is to eradicate the social injustice, ill health and misery caused by child poverty in Plymouth. it brings together the public, private and third sectors to ensure that, as a city acting in unison, we remain dedicated to making a difference throughout a young person's early life.
The initiative focuses on three key areas which build self-esteem and experience to help determine a young person's future - inspiration, ambition and education.
We work in partnership with local businesses and organisations to support children and young people in our local communities.We work with other organisations to distribute grants including Devon Community Foundation and the Zone.
For World Book Day Promoting Children in Plymouth arranges for over 9,000 children from 52 schools to have a story read to them in person by some wonderful people including the local MP's, the Lord Mayor, Plymouth City Councillors, the staff and CEO of the Theatre Royal, students from the medical school and representatives from many local businesses and organisations. For our Storytelling project, we ask local people to read a story to a class of Y1 and Y2 children and then each child is gifted a book. Some of these children have never had their own book and it is a delight to see how much enjoyment they get out of a story. Other projects that PCiP support include a project for young people on the verge of exclusion from education, visits by children to local businesses, family cooking classes and sports activities for young people at risk of entering the youth justice system.